40 years of history
GM Gymsports has a long and highly respected history in the NSW Gymnastics community. Known as "Gym-Man" GM Gymsports was founded by Gymnastics NSW Life Member Victor Blinman.

Following his retirement in 2016, Michael Bastion has continued the legacy.
Owner Michael lives and breathes gymnastics. With over 20 years of experience, Michael has expertise as both a participant and a coach in recreational and competitive gymnastics.
Michael has a Bachelor of Physical Education and is an Advanced Gymnastics Coach with Gymnastics Australia.
In addition to coaching, Michael leads FreeStyle Gymnastics in NSW, working as committee head and as presenter with Gymnastics NSW.
Qualified and Child Safe
All GM Gymsport staff hold an Accreditation with Gymnastics Australia and Gymnastics NSW; and hold a current First Aid and Working With Children Numbers.
All GM Gymsport staff partake in annual Child Safe Training through Gymnastics Australia.
In addition, owner and head coach Michael holds his Youth Mental Health First Aid Certificate with Mental Health First Aid Australia.
GM Gymsports abide by the Gymnastics Australia Child Safe and Member Protection Policies.